Casey Bye

Writer, Musician, Consumer of Nerd Culture.

"How to Enjoy Batman Comics: a Love-Letter"

I've begun writing a monthly column for The Prague Revue. Before I was asked to be a regular contributor, I'd previously published a piece there titled "How to Waste Five Hours on Wikipedia" (a tongue in cheek how-to on pre-gaming before going out the bars while simultaneously filling your noggin with useless knowledge!) I'm running with the how-to angle at least for the foreseeable future. This time around it's how to read and enjoy Batman comics (hey, it's right there in the title!). I've been reading Batman/Detective/all the shorter-running spinoffs since about 1989, a child of the great Batman: the Movie  hype that sweeped the nation that year. I saw Tim Burton's film for the first time as a triple feature with Ghostbusters II and I think Bambi at the now long-gone Skylight Drive-In Theater in Wisconsin.

Anyway, I could go on and on about the caped crusader, my favorite storylines (which, you'll see in the Prague Revue piece, are a bit biased based on the period I started reading), and favorite characters (Jason Todd, because he was my first Robin, even when everyone else hated him enough to vote to kill him off). But I already go on and on enough in the piece, which you can read at "How to Enjoy Batman Comics: a Love Letter."