Casey Bye

Writer, Musician, Consumer of Nerd Culture.

Filtering by Tag: netflix

Lou Reed and Why Not to Have a Baby (at least for now)

My two most recent articles at The Prague Revue are about two of my favorite things: music and Netflix.

When I sat down to write my piece last month, I had no intention to write about Lou Reed and his recent passing. I was going to write about home recording music and how to do it from a more practical point of view. But then, suddenly I had two pages written on Lou and what he meant to me and to the world, including some fairly logical reasons why someone might not like Lou's work, and how those biases might be overcome. In my mind, all of this was funneling into the topic of home recording and not worrying about the inevitable warts and fidelity problems when experimenting without a hundred-thousand dollar studio budget.

You can read that one here: How to Home-Record Music Like You’re Lou Reed and Too Cool To Give A Damn

The topic of the most recent piece was actually suggested by my wife, Jessa, after a conversation that started something like, "I know it makes absolutely no sense financially or anything for us to have a baby right now. But, honey, we're married now and I'm done with grad school, and my hormones are telling me some stupid, stupid things." So I wrote a only half tongue in cheek article about how one might use their Netflix Instant watching selections to remind themselves to keep buying prophylactics at least for the time being.

That one can be checked out here: How to use Netflix to Remind Your Spouse of Your Five-Year Plan to Wait to Have Children

Next month I'm thinking about trying for a nice, short, catchy article title. But I'll probably fail.